10 Largest National Parks in India: A Journey of Discovery

Jim Corbett National Park India's oldest national park, home to Bengal tigers and diverse wildlife.

Kaziranga National Park UNESCO World Heritage Site, famous for one-horned rhinoceros conservation efforts.

Kanha National Park Inspiration for Rudyard Kipling's "The Jungle Book", known for Barasingha deer.

Bandhavgarh National Park Former hunting grounds, now a tiger reserve with ancient cave shelters.

Ranthambore National Park One of the best places to spot tigers in their natural habitat.

Gir National Park Last abode of Asiatic lions, dry deciduous forests and grasslands.

Sundarbans National Park Largest mangrove forest, famous for Bengal tigers and diverse mangrove species.

Nagarhole National Park Rich in flora and fauna, best known for elephant and tiger spotting.

Periyar National Park Scenic beauty with lakes, elephants, and the Periyar Tiger Trail.

Pench National Park Dry deciduous forest, inspiration for Kipling's stories, known for tiger sightings.